Our Mission

“To promote and perpetuate the art of quilting for all age groups”

“What is a guild?”  There are many pieces to that question; the primary answer became “This is what we are missing.”  We had our quilt shops, we had our quilt friends … the position that a guild fills was vacant.

Why a Guild?  One definition is “an association of people for the pursuit of a common goal”.   Synonyms would be society, union, league, fellowship, club, lodge, etc.   Guild happens to be the label commonly given to quilt groups that have an organizational structure, are open to all, not business connected and have a stated purpose.

Meeting Time and Place

Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month, January through December. Social time and Sign-in at 6 pm, Business meeting at 6:30 pm followed by our program.

St John the Baptist Episcopal Church
390 E. Garnet Ave.
Granby, CO 80446

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Programs & Events

Peaks ‘n Pines offers many programs throughout the year.